mandag 17. november 2014

Language workshop p.332

Then,than. I am better than you are, then you are a piece of shit.
Which, witch. This is a witch, which is very dangerous.
Through, threw. I threw a ball right through the window.
There, their, they’re. Look over there, just look at their faces. We can clearly see that they’re staring back.
To, too, two. This letter is to me. You can probably get one too, but then I need to get a copy or two.
Lose, loose. This knot is too loose. You have to make sure we don’t lose our boat.

Language workshop p.332
I am going to write a text about an imaginary person, which includes as many capital letters as possible.
Hey, I am Roger Mini. You probably know me from the famous Tetris Movie. You can also read the book if you haven’t already. It’s translated into 56 different languages such as, for example Spanish, English and much more. Last Saturday it was released in Swedish as well. The book is a comparison of the Great Game Tetris and The Great War. Even Barack Obama enjoy this great book. “This book looks great in my bookshelf here in the White House” he said. This book fits everyone even though you don’t know what Tetris is. Catholic, Democrat, Buddhist, Protestant or Hindu, we can all read this book. So, if you want to know more about me and less about my awesome book come meet me at my place. Don’t forget to buy the Great Tetris book, available in stores now.

Language workshop p.333

What is think these words mean:
Ahistorical=I think a person that is ahistorical just does not care about history, and what happened when and where in important moments in history.
Autobiography: First of all, it is a biography, when the word auto is first it may have something to do with self-“self-biography”. Since auto also can mean self.
Bilingual=Means that you can speak two different languages, bi - meaning second or “side”. Lingual is the “language” part of the word.
Impassable=It can mean different things, at least two different things as I can think of right now. First we direct meaning of the word à impossible to pass. The other one could be that the “impassable” thing/creature is impossible to use the way it is meant, example could be that of a horse is impassable it is impossible to ride.
Dysfunctional=Means that something is not working properly as it should be doing, a dysfunctional person could be a person that has a disease that makes them not able to walk (just an example), where the dysfunctional part/what isn’t working is the legs of this person.

Communicable=I am not entirely sure but I think it means that (whatever it is) it is passable, like a disease. Communicable à able to pass from one place/person to another place/person. Of course it doesn’t have to be a disease, it was just an example.

onsdag 12. november 2014

A quote by Oscar Wilde

I chose the quote "The truth is rarely pure and never simple", because I find it true. We humans do often tell each others lies and makes people think that it is the truth. We trick each other with lies and poison the truth. And in different situations we don't want to tell the truth so we just come up with a story that is far far away from the truth. Maybe we do it because we think it is best for the person we tell it to, but mostly it only makes it all worse, because they will probably find it out sooner or later. When they find out it happens a way that is worse than it could have been.
So I find this quote very interesting, because it fits very well into the society of humans.