onsdag 24. september 2014

English – The Global Language – 5 sentences

1. It all started on the British Isles, which is the origin of English.

2. In addition, because Britain is islands, the British people had to cross the seas to conquer their neighbours.

3. Then the British Empire grew so large, because they travelled all over the world and conquere colonies.

4. The people that lived in colonies conquered by the British Empire were forced to speak English and follow the British culture and traditions.

5. Then the little language English was spread out over our globe, because of the British Empire, and then it was spoken as either first language or secondary language.


onsdag 10. september 2014

Walk a road

The road was tiny. The trail led me out to the woods. I looked down on my feet and saw that i was standing on thousands of orange needles. They had fallen down from the trees like the yellow leaves and some pinecons. The smell was cold and all the other signs made me realize that: winter is coming.

I walked over a bridge. It was covered with moss and some other plants. The sky was just pure blue with the sun shining. But sometimes clouds came by and covered the sun. Then it all became so much darker. All the plants didn't look so shiny and beautiful now. And i wanted to go back. But all of a sudden the cloud moved and the sun shined so pure. Then I continued walking longer into the woods. Where i could think and feel so free. I felt like i was in the true nature of the Earth.

onsdag 3. september 2014

 When children hate their parents!

«If you have never been hated by your child you have never been a parent”
  A quote by an American actress called Bette Davis. 

This is an important quote, because it tells us that to be a parent you have to get along with different difficulties. Your child will act different from older grownups, because they does not think about what they do. Then sometimes you will be hated by your child, because you have to do things your child don’t want to do. For instance, when you are going for a walk and your child don’t want to come, but instead be home and play with toys. Even though it looks like your child hate you, they really love you. They only have some problems telling it to you, when they can’t speak. In addition, when they grow up they still loves you, even when they are totally pissed at you.

mandag 1. september 2014

My trip to the highest mountain of Norway

Last week I went on a trip to Galdhøpiggen with my class. We went on a trip so we could get to know each other in the new class. We started Tuesday morning and went home at Friday morning. On the bus trip up to our first camp, we visited many interesting places.

Firstly, we went to “Helvete” or in English “Hell”. This was a cool place, which contained some large potholes. They were made of the river, which dragged stones and rocks around in circles. This procedure just kept on going over a long time and made a 40 meters deep pothole.

Then after surviving Hell, we went to see a geographical phenomenon in Kvitskriuprestinn. We saw some extremely rare pyramids made of different types of materials with a larger rock on top. It was incredible, I had never seen anything like it before, and you have to travel to a different country to see something likely.
After visiting both those places, we were all exhausted and hungry, and we finally arrived our camp “Heidal camping”. We made our own food with camping stoves and spent the night in our tents.

Next morning, we woke up and rafted down the river Sjoa. It was very exciting and extremely funny. The water was stunningly cold, but at least we wore wetsuits. The funniest part was when we surfed on a bigger wave and tons of water splashed in your face. It was a cold experience, but also extremely funny.

Now the trip went to Lom. This is a city not far from Galdhøpiggen. Here a guide walked through the “Norsk-Fjellmuseum” (Norwegian-Mountain museum) and stuffed us with information about things found in the ice glacier. It was interesting to see the things that had been in the ice for many thousands of years, and still look the same. Arrows, shoes and other hunting equipment had been found there when the ice melted.

In the evening, we travelled up to “Juvasshytta” and walked into some ice tunnels under the ice of “Juvafonna” to see 6000 years back in time. This was awesome. The cool sculptures and arrows. I just admire the people who built the tunnels by hand, it had to be a lot of work and it looks so cool.

After Lom and visiting the tunnels under the ice, we drove to “Bøverdalen Vandrerhjem” where we was going to stay for the next couple of days.

Then it was time for our main trip to the highest mountain of Norway, Galdhøpiggen with its 2469 meters. First, the bus drove us to “Juvasshytta” at around 1800 meters above sea level. Then we travelled up to the ice glacier. From there we had to walk in a rope as security, because we could fall down into cracks in the ice. The last part was to walk up to the peak. Here it was a little hut with some soda and chocolate to buy. The view up there was amazing. We saw as long as our eye could see in every directions. It was just awesome. In addition, the weather was incredible. It was the best weather ever been there, I think. 

After taking a bunch of photos, we went down to “Bøverdalen”.

The morning after, we started our bus trip home after an extremely funny and interesting trip.  Thanks for the trip J