onsdag 10. september 2014

Walk a road

The road was tiny. The trail led me out to the woods. I looked down on my feet and saw that i was standing on thousands of orange needles. They had fallen down from the trees like the yellow leaves and some pinecons. The smell was cold and all the other signs made me realize that: winter is coming.

I walked over a bridge. It was covered with moss and some other plants. The sky was just pure blue with the sun shining. But sometimes clouds came by and covered the sun. Then it all became so much darker. All the plants didn't look so shiny and beautiful now. And i wanted to go back. But all of a sudden the cloud moved and the sun shined so pure. Then I continued walking longer into the woods. Where i could think and feel so free. I felt like i was in the true nature of the Earth.

5 kommentarer:

  1. The way you describe this road makes me want to try it :)

  2. Nice text, i can see you used some reference from Game of thrones! :D

  3. This poem was really really good! :D
