mandag 23. mars 2015

Task 1
30 minutes.
Words that are easily confused;
Some words are more difficult to spell than others, as their pronunciation is similar to the pronunciation of another word.
then, than
which, witch
through, threw
there, their, and they`re
to, too, two
lose, loose
Learn these words.  Make a visual device/ dictionary – perhaps using a picture, to remember the definition.
Which (way)?


When you`ve finished this, use 5 minutes working with these tasks;

Task 2
 20 minutes
Capital letters
Capital letters are more frequently used in English than in Norwegian. Here is a list of English words which start with capital letters:
1.      In titles of books, poems, films and short stories all the important words start with capital letters; “ The Road Not Taken” , “The Mayor of Casterbridge”, “ A Day`s Wait”.
2.      Languages and nationalities are spelt with capital letters:  He is Norwegian and he speaks Spanish.
3.      Names of weekdays, months and holidays need a capital letter: Thursday, January, Thanksgiving, Boxing Day.
4.      Historic periods or historic events: the Renaissance, the Great War.
5.      Buildings; the White House, Buckingham Palace
6.      Political parties; the Conservatives, the Democrats
7.      The names of religions: Protestantism, Buddhism
8.      Titles: Mr. Anderson, Queen Elisabeth II


Write a text about an imaginary person where you make use of as many capitalized words as possible. You can for example talk about where he or she comes from, day and month of birth, language, religion and political sympathies. Be creative and try to include all eight categories.

Hey, I am Roger Mini. You probably know me from the famous Tetris Movie. You can also read the book if you haven’t already. It’s translated into 56 different languages such as Spanish, English and much more. Last Saturday it was released in Swedish as well. The book is a comparison of the Great Game Tetris and The Great War. Even Barack Obama enjoy this great book. “This book looks great in my bookshelf here in the White House” he said. This book fits everyone even though you don’t know what Tetris is. Catholic, Democrat, Buddhist, Protestant or Hindu, we can all read this book. So, if you want to know more about me and less about my awesome book come meet me at my place. Don’t forget to buy the Great Tetris book, available in stores now.

mandag 16. mars 2015

Viewpoints p. 265

1.      Rural - Away from city, non-metropolitan areas where people live. Typically, agricultural, woodland, mountainous and natural settings.
Urban - City-like. From the Latin word "urbs", which means "city".

2.      The differences between rural and urban areas in Norway are not so large. We can settle in a rural area without being a farmer and we can visit the larger cities easily. The differences are not that huge, because we are rich and the cities are not that large.  In India, it is different; there the difference between poor and rich is huge. Therefore, they got huge cities with the newest high modern technology, but large parts of India is living in poverty. Which means the difference between rural and urban in India is great.

3.      The people living in industrialized countries consume enormous amounts to fulfill their demands. In addition, we would need eight planets if every single person were going to consume that much.  We who are living in the industrialized countries does not really think and understand how much poverty it is in this world when we are going on a shopping tour buying whatever we want. We just think of ourselves as lucky who are living in a rich country.

4.      The people who choose to almost go back in time and live as we did before; a simple lifestyle without modern technology, cars, machines and so forth. Why do they choose to live like this? The answer is probably that they are tired of the normal life nowadays. In addition, they probably liked it better the way it was before. They think it has gone too far and want to live simple and without all the mechanism.

5.      Rules for “Simple living”:
You don’t need belongings, just a few.
Food and water is necessary, but don’t be greedy.
A house could be good, but as long as you have somewhere to sleep, it’s ok.
Money is trash.

6.      Top 3 priorities of life:
·         Live a long life
·         Food
·         Do a lot of cool stuff, live the life to it’s fullest. 

mandag 9. mars 2015

1.       Give a description of Alan Turing. What were his weaknesses and what was his strength.

Alan Turing was an intelligent and smart person, but he worked best on his own. He did not get along with other people, because he was so rude and arrogant. His weakness was probably that he didn’t get so many friends at first, because he tried to avoid people. Later he found out that he needed some friends. His strength could be his great mind. Alan used this to create a machine, which was going to help them end the war. He did everything to make the machine work and spent a lot of time working on it. It seemed like hopeless and meaningless waste of time, but he never gave up, even though he was met with some trouble along the way. Great success!