mandag 25. august 2014


I just heard two songs and a poem about relationships. They all got some differences that I am going to tell about here.

First off I listened to the song "I am a Rock". It says that you should stay away from relationships, because it causes you so much pain when you lose your friends. Instead you should be a rock and an island, wich means that you should be alone and isolated by pain.

Then I heard the song "You'll Never Walk Alone". Wich is the opposite of the previous song. This song tells you that you always got someone who will help you and support you, even though you have hard times in your life. You will never walk alone so try to do the best out of your life, because you will get through the pain.

Last but not least the poem "No Man is an Island". This poem is about that we all are dependent of each other. We can't live alone, we need other people. We are all small pieces of the society.

Sources: BildeRelationship

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